Constitution, Bylaws, and Handbook Revision Committee

2025 Officers


Tucky Taylor
[email protected]



Sonaite Debebe-Kumssa
[email protected]



Six members of the Association and the Executive Secretary (as non-voting ex-officio member).



  • Makes a continuing study of the Constitution and Bylaws and recommends to the Executive Board desirable revisions to facilitate the proper functioning of the Association and its parts.
  • Forwards proposed changes or revisions to the Constitution, Bylaws or Handbook to the First Vice-President for inclusion in the call to the conference.
  • Presents proposed changes and revisions and other items to the membership for action if instructed by the Executive Board.
  • Monitors the accuracy and availability of the SCLA Handbook in both print and electronic formats.
  • Approved changes to the SCLA Handbook will be incorporated into the published texts in a timely fashion.